A day in paradise
Klein Curaçao is known as the most beautiful excursion of Curaçao, and what a better way to get there than with a 75 ft. long catamaran? The BlueFinn organizes trips to Klein Curaçao on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
We have experienced this ourselves and we are thrilled to share our experience with you!
Our Adventure is about to start!
The Catamaran departure from the famous Jan Thiel Beach and thanks to the prepaid ticket purchased with Caribbean Ticketshop, you can just show the ticket directly from your phone!
After boarded on the boat, the captain starts to describes the rules of the catamaran, the plan of the day and what we can expect from the trip. Afterwards the captain starts to sail away. Immediately the good service on the boat starts: the nice guys from the staff comes by to ask you what would you like to drink and quickly they’ll serve you with fresh soft drinks, like fruit punch, cola, juices etc… The drinks are served in a reusable colourful cup, which is very good for the environment. Later on the guys will come along with freshly sliced pineapple, a very fresh way to start the trip!
After about 1 hour of sailing you can start to see Klein Curacao getting closer and closer. The first thing you can see is the historic pink Lighthouse.
Finally, when you arrive, the water starts to be crystal blue and the beach is incredibly white that immediately you’ll feel in a paradise! Surely one of the most beautiful beaches you’ll ever see.
The staff will explain you what time the lunch will be served on the boat, around 12:30 and they will sound the horn of the boat so that you’ll know when it’s ready precisely. Furthermore, they will explain that the Catamaran cannot be anchored on the beach, so you can reach the island swimming or with their little motorboat.
Time for the first dive! The water is so incredible clear! It seems like the fishes knows you because immediately they’ll start to swim all around you welcoming you in their island.
The seabed is covered by white sand and coral, the fishes are colourful and you can recognize a lot of different species, like barracuda, parrot fish, lion fish and a lot more.
The first thing you notice when you reach Klein Curacao is the sand, so white and so soft! It’s amazing!
Right in the middle of this uninhabited island stands the iconic pink Lighthouse. The first lighthouse was built in 1850, but destroyed by unforgiving hurricanes few years later, the next lighthouse, which still survives, was built in the interior of the island. It was home to fearless lighthouse keepers, who stayed in the adjoining rooms, without running water or electricity. Standing alone in the middle of the island, it is now abandoned. The wooden stairs to the top of the lighthouse are still intact, so you can climb it to the very top and the view is breath taking!
Klein Curacao is a low, flat island which makes it hard to spot from the bridge of any boat, so many ship shipwrecks on Klein Curacao are because of the very strong currents and the unforgiving northeast winds. Nowadays there are two shipwrecks that you can visit, is very suggestive, who knows what happen back then?
The most famous is the oil tanker ‘Maria Bianca Guidesman’, which by now is completely rusted wreck and is slowly disappearing by the elements. There is also a shipwreck who is pretty recent, it’s a French yacht washing ashore in 2007. The story said that the four people could be saved but the ship could not because of extensive damage. The shipwrecks make some nice photogenic sights on the island and sure are worth a visit.
You can take a few pictures enjoying the beautiful view under the warm Caribbean sun.
Meanwhile is almost 12 o’clock so you can take a nice swim back to the boat.
You can also borrow some snorkelling gear by the staff if you don’t have your own!
Once in the water you can see some turtles swimming around the boat. Is such an amazing experience to be able to swim with those animals, luckily BlueFinn can guarantee this for you!
Tick tock is 12 o’clock! The Lunch is ready and the bar is open!
BlueFinn will offer you a King meal! Spare ribs, chicken legs, beef steak, pasta, salad and a lot more… all delicious of course, and what a view!
After 12 o’clock the bar opens as well and Bluefin have the best quality drinks you can ask for! Fresh dry and sweet wine, beers, Caribbean rum, Mojito and a lot more!
The best place where to enjoy a nice drink? Definitely the roped floor located on the nets of the Catamaran! You can even borrow some pillow for free for extra lux and comfort.
So you’ll be there, lying on the catamaran, the island is in front of you, the sun is shining above and the turtles are swimming underneath, all of this enjoying a nice glass of fresh wine…What else?
Unfortunately, when you’re having loads of fun the times flies, so is already 15:00 and the boat start to leave for come back to Curacao. The staff turns up the music, very nice known tunes, everyone is in a good mood with a fresh dink, somebody starts to dance and the island is feathering away from the distance, the best ending to a beautiful day!